Living Lab
Amersfoort - Netherlands
The labour market region Amersfoort has a high, but stable, number of unemployed people. At the same time, many employers in the Amersfoort region are finding it increasingly difficult to find capable staff.
The main vulnerable groups involved in the Living Lab are young unemployed for over a year, with little or no work experience, often migrant background, disabilities, or chronic health.
The Living Lab is designed and implemented by TNO, Municipality of Amersfoort and Tilburg University.
Living Lab
Sofia - Bulgaria
Women aged 55 and older face several challenges in their access to the labour market These women have amongst other things a low level of digital skills (29% vs. 58% EU, DESI 2020) and the lowest adult learning participation rates in the EU (2% vs. 11% EU, EU Labour Force Survey).
Women 55+ are the main vulnerable group to be involved in Sofia Living Lab.
The Living Lab is designed and implemented by Sofia Development Association and ARC Fund.
Living Lab
Kokkola - Finland
Inclusion of more low-skilled people to the labour force is important to ensure sustainable economic well-being in an aging and tight labour market. The share of people with long-term unemployment has increased and remained high (Statistics Finland, 2019; OECD 2020), but a significant part of this group would like to return to work and is able to do so.
The main vulnerable groups involved in the Living Lab are long-term unemployed (over a year) or individuals with repeated unemployment periods.
The Living Lab is designed and implemented by FIOH and city of Kokkola.
Living Lab
Many young people are prevented from finding sustainable work by a lack of access to appropriate information, advice, connections, support, or because of discrimination. The number of unemployed young people is high (18 – 24 years: 13%). Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and particular ethnic minorities are disproportionately likely to be unemployed.
The Living Lab will focus on unemployed young people (younger that 30) who have difficulties in entering the labour market and who have lack of technical and behavioural competencies to be employable.
The Living Lab is designed and implemented by ISCTE, REDO, PACT, IEFP, TermCerto and LAO.
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