On May 21, 2024, Tallinn hosted the inaugural workshop to present the Horizon Europe Synclusive initiatives and evaluate their applicability in Estonia. Attendees included representatives from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, the Unemployment Insurance Fund, the Estonian Trade Union Confederation, the Association of Estonian Cities and Municipalities, the Tallinn City Government, and the Education and Youth Board. 

The seminar commenced with Irene Houtman (TNO) delivering an introduction to the project via a video link, highlighting the concept of living laboratories with a focus on the Dutch example. 

The second part of the seminar concentrated on discussing several key issues: 

  • Identifying the main vulnerable groups in Estonia who could benefit from living labs 
  • Addressing the primary obstacles preventing these target groups from advancing in their careers 
  • Proposing interventions to support vulnerable groups in successfully applying for jobs and progressing in their careers 
  • Determining which organizations in Estonia could contribute to the implementation of solutions to be tested in living labs 

The central takeaway was that Estonia does not suffer from a lack of measures but rather from the need for a strategic combination of existing ones. The cooperation facilitated by living laboratories is expected to enable a more tailored approach to addressing the needs of different groups, thereby enhancing their impact in the future.